The Five Best Summer Albums

July 21, 2006

5. Here We Go – Tuuli

Four summers ago I purchased this album from all-girl pop-punk Canadian band, Tuuli. Since then, it’s since slipped into my past, what with songs about bad break-ups and misbehaved boys. Really, though, the greatest part about Tuuli (which is, for the most part in these days, split and non-existent) was their refreshing sound. It was girly, it was poppish, it was everything summer for a sixteen year-old should have been.

4. Logic Will Break Your Heart – The Stills

This album really has a somber tone to it the entire way through, but in my case, after buying it, I let it become the sophisticated soundtrack to the more drab events during the summer of 2004. Really, though, it’s better for evening listening.

3. Funeral – The Arcade Fire

Speaking of “sophisticated” summer albums, this one really is an obvious pick. I picked it up last June and quickly let it drone into my summer with flying colours. A few of the songs actually deal with winter weather and freak snowstorms, but it didn’t make much of a difference, really. Often enough, a summer album is really all about the sound. And this album had it perfect.

2. All We Know is Falling – Paramore

Last summer, I received my pre-order of this album the day I got back from an amazing all-friend camping trip. I listened to it on repeat while I was cleaning the mess out of the coolers and scrubbing the campfire smell out of the pots, and it just brought back memories of every great event prior to it. This entire album just has a refreshing sound to it, and this band is quite possibly one of the most promising acts I’ve seen in a long time.

1. Watoosh! – Pezz

Otherwise known as the early Billy Talent, Pezz had a different sound to them that was upbeat and summer-like in all ways possible. It was typical teen angst fueled by upbeat energy – a good mix, in my opinion. Watoosh! was their first full-length album as Pezz, which sparked up my summer of 2004. Even now I can still throw it in the old CD player and feel it all come back.

2 Responses to “The Five Best Summer Albums”

  1. Jessa said

    I don’t remember how I came across Paramore, but I have to say that I was really impressed as well. The album sounds great, and when I realized how *old* they were, I was amazed. They sound great, and I loved it, too.

  2. Katelyn said

    Love love love The Arcade Fire. Will definitely check out the rest, too 🙂

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